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The New Federation Party of Canada

"The NEW FEDERATION Party for CANADA believe Canadians all deserve a legitimate Government that doesn’t just talk like they are for Canada, but actually work for, and on behalf of sovereign Canadians, like they are from Canada"

The NEW CANADA is coming!

Check out our 1 minute intro video below...

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Donate for a Strong and Free CANADA!

Donate to Help Us Give Canadians The Future They Deserve! An ALL NEW CANADA - TRULY STRONG AND FREE!

About the New Federation Party

New Federation Party of Canada (NFP) has launched its CONTRACT WITH CANADIANS the alternative to Wexit separatist movement with a Canada’s first “power to the people” true direct-democracy political party.

Decentralize Our Federal Government

Our goal is to distribute the powers, authority and functions of the federal government back to the Provinces, whereby shifting large portions of the federal government will allow the oversight on trade agreements, laws
