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The Clean Air Safety Act

The Clean Air Safety Act

Protecting Canada from High Altitude Aerosol Spraying and Weather Modification


The New Federation Party recognizes the critical importance of clean air and environmental protection. We are committed to safeguarding the natural environment and the health of Canadians from potential harms associated with high altitude aerosol spraying (chemtrails) and weather modification. To address these concerns, we propose "The Clean Air Safety Act."

Key Objectives:

Ban on High Altitude Aerosol Spraying:

We will enact a comprehensive ban on high altitude aerosol spraying (commonly known as chemtrails) over Canadian airspace, protecting our skies and air quality.

Prohibition of Weather Modification:

The act will also prohibit weather modification activities that involve D.E.W directed energy weapons within Canada, the release of aerosols, chemical agents, or biological agents into the atmosphere, ensuring the integrity of our environment.

Environmental and Health Protection:

Our priority is to protect the environment and the health of Canadians from potential harms associated with these activities, maintaining clean air and a pristine natural landscape.

Policy Details:

1. Ban on High Altitude Aerosol Spraying:

"The Clean Air Safety Act" will unequivocally ban high altitude aerosol spraying (chemtrails) in Canadian airspace, making it illegal to release aerosols into the atmosphere for any purpose.

This ban aims to preserve the purity of our skies, ensuring that Canadians can breathe clean air and enjoy unspoiled natural vistas.

2. Prohibition of Weather Modification:

The act will also prohibit weather modification activities that involve the release of aerosols, chemical agents, or biological agents into the atmosphere. Any form of weather modification that may have adverse effects on the environment or human health will be strictly regulated and prohibited.

This policy promotes responsible and ethical environmental stewardship, ensuring that the natural balance of our environment is preserved.

3. Environmental and Health Protection:

"The Clean Air Safety Act" places the protection of the environment and the health of Canadians at the forefront. By banning high altitude aerosol spraying and weather modification activities, we are committed to safeguarding the well-being of our citizens and the pristine beauty of our country.

This ban is designed to prevent any potential harm or adverse effects on the environment, human health, and our natural resources.


"The Clean Air Safety Act" reflects our dedication to protecting Canada from high altitude aerosol spraying and weather modification activities that could harm our environment and health. By enacting this ban, we aim to preserve clean air, pristine landscapes, and a healthy environment for all Canadians. The New Federation Party invites all Canadians to join us in this endeavor to protect our skies and safeguard our natural heritage.
